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Grateful Heart

Writer's picture: JessicaJessica

Updated: May 16, 2020

A lot has happened, friends. I know a lot of places are closing down. I know places are issuing quarantines. I know there are those, who have gotten sick, and those, who have (at least temporarily) lost their jobs. With all the uncertainty, it can be rather easy to get caught up in fear and anxiety. It might feel like the world is falling apart. Focus on the positive, though; find the things you are grateful for. That might seem like a lot to ask for at first glance. You might think, "So much is going wrong--how can I find good in this??" Things might not be perfect now, but there is still good in this. If you're stuck at home (like me and those around me), it's a chance to tidy things up, work on art or other projects you've been meaning to but "hadn't had the time for," sleep in, cuddle with animal buddies, read books, laugh, watch some great shows on Netflix or Hulu or whatever your preference is, cook some great meals, check in on friends and family (maybe you can't go to them physically, but we do have phone calls and the internet), listen to incredible music, meditate, write a book, start a YouTube channel, and so much more. Heck, you can go for walks and spend time in nature (while so many things are shut down and we've been told to stay home, the mandate permits walking outside). Find your joy. You can find it, no matter how big or how small. Yes, these are unusual, unprecedented times. Don't give into fear; don't lower your vibration. Do the best you can; you might slip up for a bit (I was guilty of that--I experienced a momentary lapse, but I have picked myself back up and found my gratitude), but you can always get back up again. Spread love and do the next best thing.

You can find so many things to be grateful for if you're willing to look--to quote the wise Uncle Iroh, "If you look for the light, you can often find it. If you look for the dark, it is all you will ever see." Yes, it might seem rather dark right now, but you can find the light in the dark. Granted, that's not to say that emotions are bad. You're human--you are very much entitled to feel your emotions. To quote my aunt, "Your emotions are valid, but your perspective might not be true." You might feel something (i.e. fear), but that doesn't mean that's the true reality. Feel free to take caution and stay healthy (i.e. by washing your hands), but don't get caught up in this fear mentality, viewing others as the enemy and hoarding resources for yourself. Now's the time for compassion and love; look out for one another. Take care of yourself, but help out those around you, as well. Love is stronger than all this fear. Don't buy into the story their selling. We are so much stronger than all of this. The media knows it. A Bug's Life keeps resonating with me, specifically Flik and Hopper's interaction at the end of the film. Flik attests, "You're wrong, Hopper. Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers. I've seen these ants do great things, and year after year they somehow manage to pick food for themselves and you. So, who is the weaker species? ... It's you who need us! We're a lot stronger than you say we are... And you know it, don't you?" Each of us is great; each of us holds an incredible strength. Don't let the Grasshoppers push you into continuing to live in fear. Recognize your true power. Work together with those around you; we're strong on our own, yes, but we're so much stronger together. By working together, we'll overcome this. This whole thing reminds me so much of Frozen 2. Uncertainty and calamity has struck. We have to go out into the unknown. We need to step into our own power, showing our true selves, and focus on the next step, this next breath. We can do this. We can do the next right thing. It might seem as if the darkness of these times are suffocating and crushing. Things will never be the same again. Regardless, that does not mean we are doomed. Anna and Elsa overcame their challenges and obstacles, even though they seemed impossibly daunting. The outcome? Things were better than ever before. The same can be our reality. We have the power. We have love.

Check out this video from Infinite Waters on this topic:

Corliss and I just got back from Colorado. We didn't let the fear stop us from having fun over spring break. So many of my coworkers cancelled their trips for spring break. I have no problem with being cautious. There's a difference between caution and fear, though. We had a blast in Colorado. My aunt felt bad that so many things closed down while we were out there, as if our vacation suffered because of it. The same thing happened back home, though; places were closing regardless of the place. We were able to hike in the mountains, experience nature, take in fresh air, cuddle with my aunt's cats, watch anime, solve puzzles with my aunt, and just have fun. Even when we got snowed in for two days, we had fun. Over the course of a week and a half, we got a free upgrade for our rental car, we discovered amazing food (Snooze had delicious breakfast food, and we discovered funnel cake fries at South Mouth--simply scrumptious), witnessed breathtaking views, were caressed by the soothing sounds of streams and rivers, connected with nature and animals, had fun, found crystals, finished Maid-Sama, Ouran High School Host Club, and March Comes in Like a Lion, relaxed, slept in, connected with family, helped others, got a super cheap return flight, and so much more. The more we focused on positivity, love, and abundance, the more we received. Everything was perfectly timed and meant. There are no coincidences.

There's so much good in the world. Enjoy your life, my friends; find what makes you happy. Focus on what matters most: love, family, friendship, and joy. The sun still is shining. Take a moment to tap into gratitude and appreciate all the blessings in the world. Yes, these times might be a bit challenging, but find the opportunity in it all. Connect with your family and friends. If your employment is no longer secure, take this chance to find and connect to your inner passion; this is an opportunity to work on your dream job. It's a chance to catch up on sleep, to take time for self-care, connect with nature, laugh, and love. This might be a dark night, but dawn always returns with the light. Peace, light, love, and joy to all of you ♥

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