Here are some combination drawings/mash-ups that I've done. After seeing the Spideysaur drawing I made the summer of 2020 one of the boys I babysit had a brainstorming session with me to see what other mash-up drawings could be made (he was so excited).

I created this drawing using art markers after watching episode 3 of Pokemon Journeys; in this episode Ivysaur used vine whip to get over a wall, and it reminded me a lot of Spiderman swinging through a city. Thus, Spideysaur was born.

Crystal Caterpillar
With one of my orders from Crystal Gem Store I received a free string of watermelon aura quartz; Corliss thought it resembled The Very Hungry Caterpillar, inspiring this drawing made using water color markers.
Magic School Bug
One of the first ideas that came up was with Charjabug; the boy was flipping through one of his Pokemon books and saw it. Recognizing that it looks sort of like a bus, he pointed out that we could do a mash-up with The Magic School Bus. I laughed, which confused him; I explained, "All you have to do is change one letter. 'S' to a 'g' and bam! You have yourself the Magic School Bug." Thus, here is our Magic School Bug made using art markers and a water color brush I made in Photoshop for the background.

Kermit the Croag
The next Pokemon that jumped out at him as he flipped through his book for ideas was Croagunk. He exclaimed that we could fuse Croagunk with Kermit the Frog (he loves Kermit). He did his own sketch of what it would look like with what he dubbed would be "Kermit the Croag" sitting on a log with a banjo. Here's my rendition made with art markers.

Espemis and Espna
He asked what anime characters we could fuse with Pokemon. I thought about a variety of anime that I enjoy. One of the anime that jumped out at me was Sailor Moon. I love cats, so picking Artemis and Luna seemed natural. I decided to fuse them with Espeon, and thus, Espemis and Espna were born. Here's my art marker drawing of them; I used the water color brush I made in Photoshop for the background.

As he flipped through his book, he landed on the Charmander page. He told me that I should combine Charmander with something. I decided to fuse Charmander with Bruni, resulting in cute little Charni. Here's my art marker drawing of this little, fire salamander; I used the water color brush I made in Photoshop for the background.

While babysitting this summer, the boys asked what I watched growing up; I gave them a list, including Hamtaro. Remembering this conversation, the older of the two suggested I make a mash-up drawing of Pokemon and Hamtaro. He gave Dedenne as an option. Dedenne's form would work fairly well, except it has a pretty long tail. That being the case, I went with Morpeko instead. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Morpeko with Hamtaro and Bijou made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

We continued to rack our brains for combination ideas. Sometimes we started with a Pokemon (as was the case with Charjabug and Croagunk), but we didn't want to limit ourselves. Remembering the Spideysaur drawing, we tried to think of other heroes that could be combined with Pokemon. Batman came up. I wanted to do a bit of a pun/play on words and thought of Noibat. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Noibat imitating Batman made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Toucanon Sam
We wanted to expand our pool combination ideas. He suggested we try combining Pokemon with cereal mascots, picking Toucan Sam. Generation 7's Toucanon was a perfect match for this cereal mascot. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Toucanon and Toucan Sam made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

He wanted more anime-Pokemon fusions and continued to flip through his book. When we got to the page on Meloetta, Kaori from Your Lie in April immediately popped into my head. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Meloetta with Kaori made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Earlier this summer the boys were watching Life Alert memes. I asked them if they knew that InuYasha made a reference to Life Alert (or at least the dub did); they demanded to see it. They now go back to the episode "InuYasha's Soul, Devoured" (about 11 minutes in) just to watch the "I've fallen and I can't get up" clip over and over. Since they enjoy this clip so much, he asked me to make a Pokemon-InuYasha fusion. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Litten with Kirara made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

While continuing our brain storm, he requested that we create a Pokemon-Disney fusion. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Meowstic with Stitch made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Kipo Moon
The brainstorm got me thinking of other things to combine, specifically Kipo from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts and Sailor Moon. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Kipo Moon (In the name of the Mute, she'll punish you) made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Jack Chandelure
As he wanted me to think of some Disney-Pokemon mash-ups, his favorite movie came to mind: The Nightmare Before Christmas. He adores this movie. That being the case, I decided to combine Chandelure with Jack Skellington. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

As our brain storm continued, he requested that we create a Pokemon fusion with a video game character. We came up with the idea of fusing Pac-Man with a Pokemon. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Pac-Man with Chingling made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Dragonair and Shenron
Since he wanted more anime-Pokemon fusions, I thought about what other anime I could combine with Pokemon. Dragon Ball Z came to mind. This is the resulting fusion drawing of Dragonair with Shenron made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Dumbo and Phanpy
He wanted me to think of some Disney-Pokemon mash-ups, so I decided to combine Phanpy with Dumbo. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Alolan Ninetails and Pocahontas
Since he loves Disney and Pokemon fusions, I thought it would be fun to fuse Pocahontas and Alolan Ninetails (Alolan Ninetails' flowing hair felt rather fitting). This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background was made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Pokemon and Fruits Basket Fusions
He enjoys my anime-Pokemon mash-ups, so I decided to combine the different characters/zodiac animals from Fruits Basket with Pokmeon. These are the resulting fusion drawings made with art marker. The backgrounds are made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Pokemon and Mulan Fusions
Adding to the Disney-Pokemon fusions, I decided to combine Mushu with Salandit and Mulan with Gardevoir. These are the resulting fusion drawings made with art marker. The backgrounds are made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Pokemon and Land Before Time Fusions
Growing up I loved the Land Before Time series, so I decided to combine the different dinosaur characters with Pokemon. These are the resulting fusion drawings made with art marker. The backgrounds are made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Pokemon and Mario Fusions
Deciding to create some video game-Pokemon fusions, Ihere are some Mario-themed fusions with Plusle, Minum, and Squirtle. These are the resulting fusion drawings made with art marker. The backgrounds are made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Farfetch'd Fusions
Both the original Farfetch'd and Galarian Farfetch'd seemed like great candidates for fusions, so I combined the original with Link from The Legend of Zelda and the Galarian form with InuYasha. These are the resulting fusion drawings made with art marker. The backgrounds are made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Abra and Kusuo Saiki
He enjoys my anime-Pokemon mash-ups, so I decided to combine Kusuo from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K with Abra. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Lanturn and Flounder
Joining the other Disney-Pokemon mash-ups is a fusion of Lanturn and Flounder from The Little Mermaid. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Hoopa and the Genie
Another addition to the Disney-Pokemon mash-ups: a Hoopa and Genie from Aladdin fusion. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Espeon and Momo
I've always adored Momo from Avatar: The Last Airbender, so I decided to fuse him with Espeon. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Deerling and Bambi​
Adding to the Disney-Pokemon mash-ups: a Deerling and Bambi fusion. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Meowth and Kuroneko
Based off my love for cats, I decided to fuse Kuroneko from Trigun with Meowth. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Teddiursa and Winnie the Pooh​
Another additon to the Disney-Pokemon mash-ups: a Teddiursa and Winnie the Pooh fusion. This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Bunny and Hedgehog
I was watching a video where people were discussing various animal fusions; they brought up a bunny-hedgehog combination, and it sounded super adorable! This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.

Egyptian Kikyo
I was hanging out with my friends when the prospect for an InuYasha-Yugi-oh crossover fanfic was born. My friends made the idea seem super fun, and drawing an Egyptian-themed Kikyo seemed like it'd be a blast! This is the resulting fusion drawing made with art marker. The background is made with a water color brush I created in Photoshop.