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January Brings a Fresh Start

Writer's picture: JessicaJessica

I hope everyone is doing well and that the start of the new year is treating you kindly! It's been an interesting January so far. My one brother decided to come into town and visit people for the first time in years (probably going on a decade but not quite); he left Monday night, and now my aunt came in from out of town for a visit. I've been busy working on various projects, doing research, looking for cool gifts for people, reflecting, journaling, doing meditations, and the like. My siblings also got me playing Pokémon Pocket, and I've gotten some sweet Pokémon since I started playing. Life is full of ups and downs, unexpected surprises, peace, chaos, and everything in-between. That said, life has been having a general positive uptrend, despite certain people's attempts.

Those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear won't be fooled by the dark one's deception, manipulation, and nonsense; they will see right through it, doing their own research, trusting their gut, and using discernment because people can use all sorts of pretty words that mean absolutely nothing at all. Beware of narcissists; they will try to control the situation and spin the narrative into their favor, twisting and contorting the truth into one hot mess that is unrecognizable. Narcissists will play petty games, use manipulation, and will use your kindness, trust, empathy, and emotions for their own means to an end. They will try to turn your support against you, isolating you. They will cry victim, whining to others about how "awful" you're being when you no longer put up with their nonsense and bs. They can't stand that you got away and see right through them. Even though you've left them be, haven't shared any spaces with them, and have moved on with your life, they will try to drag you back, triggered that you are happy and living a life free of them. They can't let things go, clinging to the past, when it's long gone, and they refuse to have any sort of accountability for their actions, creating sob stories instead of dealing with natural consequences.

To any narcissist reading this (because I know that you think you're slick and that people don't know that you continue to virtually stalk them), you get to choose how you spend your life. If you want to keep making yourself sad and feel bad, that's your choice. That said, it's also other people's choice how they spend their lives, meaning that they can choose not to put up with your nonsense, deceit, manipulation, and bs. They can choose to walk away, block you, and have nothing further to do with you. You can try to worm your way back in, but there are natural consequences to your actions; if you keep going down this destructive path, you're going to find yourself all alone and miserable. You reap what you sew; don't get mad at your harvest when you're the one that was neglecting your crops and metaphorically dumping garbage and poison on them. You can try to blame other people, but the one responsible for the life you create is yourself, so take a good, long look in the mirror. You're stuck with yourself for the rest of your life, so if you're dissatisfied with your life, work on learning, growing, and improving yourself. No matter how far you run or how long you try to run, you will always be with you. Other people can go where they please; they are not stuck with you no matter what--if you continue to wrong them, they will leave you and not look back. They don't do this out of spite but out of their own health, happiness, and well-being. Nobody wants to be around someone that's an energy drain nor someone who chooses to be a big phony. Best wishes to you and hope that you can turn your life around because you're going to need it.

For everyone else, be mindful of where you spend your time and energy and who you surround yourself with. Are the people in your life reciprocating your kindness, trust, respect, consideration, support, and love? Is it mutual? Or is it more one-sided? You don't need to stick around anywhere you aren't appreciated or if they are taking advantage of you, neglecting you, or harming you. You're allowed to go where you thrive, where you are nurtured, supported, and loved. Leaving behind those that do not have your best interest in mind is not being unkind--it's being kind to yourself. They may wail, moan, and lash out, but that doesn't mean you have to put up with it. You can walk away and do what's best for you. Your needs matter, so fill your own cup and stay away from those that siphon off your energy or use you as an emotional punching bag. Plenty of people don't act their age, pouting that they don't get their way, throwing temper tantrums, playing blame games, starting rumors, throwing mud, refusing to take accountability or reflect, and so forth. They act like toddlers and babies even though they're well and fully grown. You don't have to put up with such behavior; just because some people enable their behavior doesn't mean that you're required to do so. Leave that hot mess behind and find people that match your energy and vibes; nobody has time for such petty, ridiculous nonsense.

It was a fairly typical and uneventful week for the boys. They had some after school activities, they weren't thrilled about the cold, so on and so forth. Part of me suspects that they're already fantasizing about spring break. They did get some new organizers for all their Lego sets this week that they were excited about, though.

Tsuki was her typical, adorable, goofy, cuddly self this week. She's enjoyed plenty of cozy cat naps, snuggles, shenanigans, and playful antics. Tsuki loved getting cozy by the fire since it's been so cold as well as cuddling up with me. She also enjoyed her typical birdwatching from her window shelf (also observing the neighbor's dog), lurking around corners, lounging on the couch, snoozing on the futon, and all her typical activities. That said, she was grateful when my brother and his wife left town to return home; she'll tolerate them over my other brother and his dog, but she still prefers to have a peaceful, quiet home without "outsiders" here.

Artwork for the week included more diamond art:

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content! Also feel free to check out our Thought Spot section that explores various topics of thought and conversation!


New Creativity Chronicles' content included:

Please take care of yourself. Please be gentle with yourself and don't listen to other people's lies, slander, and hate. You deserve so much better. Surround yourself with supportive, caring, empathetic, considerate, respectful, kind, loving people. You don't have to stick around and stay with those that mistreat you and seek to put you down. Create an environment for you to thrive, not merely exist or survive. There's something incredible you can contribute to the world if you give yourself the proper opportunity and support. Don't sell yourself short. Don't listen to naysayers and those that just wish to trample all over you. The energy you put out into the world comes back to you, so don't play the others' games--make decisions you can be proud of and choose to live a life of integrity. As they say, "your vibe attracts your tribe," so those that cannot mesh or handle your positive energy will be unable to stick around. The higher frequency will naturally repel them, and they'll see themselves out. Don't settle for less. Don't settle for a tight squeeze when your perfect fit is out there. The right people are out there, waiting for you, so don't let those who don't appreciate you steal their spots in your life. Your best life is waiting for you; you've got this! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

Food for thought for the week:

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