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Writer's pictureJessica

Happy Winter Solstice

I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm and cozy as winter sets in. We're in the midst of the often hectic holiday season, so make sure you make to slow down, breathe, rest, and relax. Prioritizing your well-being will make all of your responsibilities and tasks on your to-do list easier because you'll have the energy to tackle them all when you make sure you get the rest you need. Today's modern society is often telling us we need to go, go, go, and do more, but less can be a lot more. Reflect and consider what truly needs to be done, what can wait until later, and what can be removed from your to-do list altogether. Your time and energy are precious, finite resources, so spend them in ways that are truly worthwhile to you. Once they're spent, you'll never get them back.

The boys were excited to finish up their last week of school before winter break, ecstatic for the upcoming Christmas holiday. They were a bit stressed about their finals before break, and the younger brother ended up meeting up with teachers after school for a bit of a study session before finals. He also got frustrated with his older brother because his older brother decided to stay after school without telling anyone, meaning we had been waiting for him only for his brother to never come out. It was a bit ironic (and hypocritical) because his brother tried to make excuse for it, but he is constantly frustrated with waiting for his younger brother to come out from school, even if he's been waiting for a minute or so. We tried to turn it into a learning opportunity and as a way to create empathy and understanding. I'm not sure how much of it sunk in or not, but hopefully he learns and grows from it. Also, the boys were so excited about the gifts I got them; the older brother started info dumping nonstop about the gifts and other types that could be bought. His dad kept trying to get him to say thank you (because as an autistic, he has a very unique way of going about life and expressing himself), but I could tell he was showing his appreciation in his own way (he rarely speaks to other people that aren't his immediate family). I get why his dad wants him to learn social skills like specifically saying thank you to others, but I wasn't bothered by how he chose to express his gratitude because I could tell how appreciative he was.

Tsuki had a pretty chill week, full of rest and relaxation. She enjoyed plenty of cozy cat naps on her favorite chair, her new cat bed, her new cat house, the back of the couch, the bed, the chair on the porch when it was a bit warmer, her window shelf, and anywhere else she decided to partake in her snuggly snoozing (such as the table to take advantage of the space heater and on top of my arm). The colder winter weather has definitely decreased her waking hours, but she's still gotten into plenty of antics and shenanigans (like trying to knock over ornaments and the tree or trying to jump up the wall to "catch" a spot on it). Tsuki enjoyed plenty of birdwatching from her window shelf and playing with toys and packaging--she's been particularly drawn to her spring toy as of late. Rest and relaxation is a definite mood in these colder winter months, and Tsuki fully embraces it.

Artwork for the week included more diamond art:

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content! I also have added a new section called Thought Spot that explores various topics of thought and conversation, so feel free to explore it!


New Creativity Chronicles' content included:

With the recent winter solstice, days are short while nights are long; if your body needs more rest, be gentle with yourself and listen to your body. Prioritizing self-care will help you accomplish more because you will be tackling your tasks with a full cup; an empty cup won't get you anywhere. And with Christmas right around the corner, remember what's truly important to you. Yes, there are many things that today's society demands of us, but are all of them what make life truly worthwhile? Missed precious moments with loved ones won't ever come back, so choose how you spend your time wisely. Everyone is getting older, and there's no way to rewind the clock. Prioritizing your peace of mind and being mindful of your circle is important, but also consider if any arguments or disputes you have right now will matter a day from now, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now, or years from now. Will you regret your choices later in life by choosing to be stubborn and holding emotions like unforgiveness and resentment in your heart? Are you spending your time in a way that you genuinely find worthwhile? If not, it's not too late to change your life. No matter how you choose to spend this holiday season, we wish you the warmest, brightest, happiest of holidays full of peace, good will, love, and cheer. Wishing you a wonderful rest of your weekend and incredible holiday season!

Food for thought for the week:

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