Happy February! I hope that life is treating you kindly. 2025 has been a lot so far, full of some turbulence, new discoveries and realizations, growth, change, and so much more. There are a number of people that seem to be clinging to the past and old ways/habits, which is to their detriment. Not that the past is worthless or that old methods hadn't served you, but the past is not the now moment; the present is not the same as the past, so we can't treat it as such. This can scare people or trigger them into negative emotions such as despair, rage, frustration, stress, and the like. The thing is, the only thing we can control is how we choose to respond to things. Yes, emotions will pop up, and you're allowed to feel however you feel. That said, you get to choose your perspective; you can view things as an opportunity, lesson, and/or blessing or you can view it as a hindrance, life-ending event, so on and so forth.
It's like the story of the two identical twins with an abusive drunk of a father; one twin followed the path of the father, ending up in jail with nothing much to show for his life. When his mother asked him why he was like that, he exclaimed, "Look at my father! How could I not?!" She then visited the other twin, who was happily married and supported and provided for his family. When she asked him why he was like that, he replied, "Look at my father; how could I not?" Yes, life can be full of hardship, things that we dislike and things that hurt us, but that does not mean we have to go down the same path and let them define us, as if that's the only path available. We can choose differently; we can choose to be like the second twin and become the person we want to be rather than having experience dictate how we show up in the world. Two wrongs don't make a right, and continuing the cycle of hurt benefits no one.
The Year of the Snake encourages us to shed our old skins and old methods of being in the world for growth, transformation, and rebirth. We can use any experience as a springboard for the next chapter of creating our best life. It may not always be easy. It may take some time to fulfill it, but it is possible. We can choose to live a life of strength, empowerment, integrity, kindness, respect, honesty, love, and laughter. We can choose to write a bright new chapter because we are the authors of our stories. We get to decide how we show up in the world. If you want to learn more about the recent new moon in Aquarius, feel free to check out the following videos:
Been continuing my reflection and research, and stumbled across this. It explains a lot of why the diagnosed narcissist is trying so desperately to hoover me back in, mad that I left and haven't come crawling back. It feels so amazing to be free, to be able to focus on my projects, to pursue my goals without judgment, to find my peace, happiness, and well-being. Upon discussions with others, I've come to realize how fabulous I truly am; people keep praising me for my strength and integrity. I can't wait to find a partner that is my perfect match! There's no looking back or going back for me because I don't have time or energy to waste on those that mistreat me--no settling for less. Hopefully, the toxic group can learn, grow, and improve so they can find their own happiness and well-being because others nor myself can find it for them.
Also, Brett is back! So happy to see her come back strong in spite of certain groups trying to play manipulative, petty games and trying to slander her good name!
The boys are chugging along with their schoolwork; the younger brother was super excited because the content he had been struggling with makes sense now, which is great. Also, on Monday morning when I arrived at their house, there were two deer in their neighbor's yard; one of the pair jumped over the fence and basically came right up to me, gazing at me with curiosity (instead of the typical fleeing). It made me feel pretty special, but I do seem to have a special connection with animals and children; they just seem to naturally gravitate towards me and adore me. The boys' younger dog is a perfect case and point; he's absolutely terrified of anyone outside of their family, except for me, and I can often calm him down when even his family struggles to be able to. They've called me "the tamer of the wild beast" and "the dog whisperer" plenty of times. Their cleaners were irritated that he still loses his mind whenever they're in the house, insisting he should be used to them by now. His brain just seems to be wired that way; I haven't done anything special.
Tsuki was happy to snuggle up with me this week and enjoy plenty of cozy cat naps in all of her favorite spots (like her chair, the couch, her window shelf, my lap, etc.). She also savored birdwatching and observing our neighbor's dog from her window shelf. Tsuki also had a blast with the new toys I bought her. It was a pretty chill, relaxing, and fun week.
Artwork for the week included more diamond art:

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content! Also feel free to check out our Thought Spot section that explores various topics of thought and conversation!
New Creativity Chronicles' content included:
Every day is a gift. Life isn't always easy. People can act up, lash out, play petty games, twist narratives, and choose to be cruel, which can cut deeply. At the end of the day, though, we get to choose how we show up in the world and who/what we associate with. We get to decide where our attention, energy, time, and effort goes. If people, places, or things aren't serving us, if they are disrespecting and mistreating us, we can choose to walk away. We don't have to keep giving to them. That doesn't mean that we should lash out and return hurt for hurt; many people choose to do so, but that is not a requirement. And, honestly, indifference can make a bigger impact than anger, frustration, upset, etc. Choosing to walk away and not play their games can trigger the heck out of other people, as they expect to get a rise out of you and to ensnare you in their games (not that the goal is to trigger people--just happens to be a byproduct much of the time). Choose what's best for you, be gentle with yourself, and practice self-care; you deserve it. Wishing you all the best and have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
Food for thought for the week: