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Writer's pictureJessica

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool! It's been quite a hot week (the heat has been intense, oppressive, and exhausting). Venturing outside in it has been brutal. Just walking out the door will sap my energy and cause my body to wilt because it does not handle heat well. It's also made sleep super challenging--I have not gotten much sleep at all. I will struggle to fall asleep because of how warm it is, but then I will also struggle to stay asleep, waking up incredibly hot and sweaty. Then starts the cycle of struggling to fall asleep again. It has not been fun, and it hasn't left me with much energy to do things. I try my best, but this week has involved a lot more rest than usual. Sleep may prove hard to obtain, but the least I can do is let my body relax and take things easier rather than trying to push to be productive. It is frustrating not being able to do all that much, but I try to remind myself that it won't always be like this, that it will pass. Sooner or later, fall weather will kick in and make it easier to be out and about and sleep.

I did check on my friends this week, and they've been struggling with some similar issues. I did get to meet my friend's cat's new kittens, though. They were super tiny and adorable. We also ended up making dinner together, just catching up on life and supporting each other. Life has been hard mode lately, but we're doing the best we can. Here's hoping the month of September is a bit calmer!

The boys are slowly getting into the groove of things with being back at school. They do seem to enjoy their classes, but they still seem to be struggling some with being tired (especially the younger brother due to how busy he is with school, homework, after school activities/clubs, etc.). I'm glad they'll have a long weekend this weekend, giving themselves the chance to rest and recuperate from the busyness of school. They did enjoy telling me about what they've been up to (like the baseball game they went to), as well as discussing their various interests. The older brother loved telling me about how he would cast a live action Nightmare Before Christmas film; it was great seeing him so passionate and excited about things. They are super excited about having a long weekend thanks to the holiday, so hopefully, it will help them rest up and be prepared to go back into the swing of things.

Tsuki enjoyed a pretty chill week, and the heat definitely caused her to want to snooze quite often. Embracing cozy cat naps was quite a mood; with how uncomfortable the heat and such have been, seeking out rest and comfort was quite tempting. Even though Tsuki fully took on the rest and relaxation vibes this week, she still had fun and got into silly antics (such as crawling under baskets, playing with water in the sink, sneak attacks, etc.). Hopefully, things will cool down, allowing for more fun and less exhaustion. Life is so much better with her in it, though--we love you, you adorable, goofy kitty!

Artwork for the week included continuing the jumbo diamond art design of Tsuki my boyfriend got me (it takes up like the whole kitchen table):

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content!


New Creativity Chronicles' content included:

Please remember to be gentle with yourself. Life will have periods of struggle, challenge, frustration, hardship, sadness/grief, loss, uncertainty, feeling lost, being stuck, and more. That doesn't mean you're failing. That doesn't mean you can't do anything right. Granted, it may feel that way at times, but that doesn't make it true. It's okay to go at your own pace and take things one step at a time. It's okay to reach out for help and support from others; that doesn't make you a failure or a burden. We all need help from time to time; where we have areas of challenge and areas for growth others will have areas of strength. It's why people have their differences--it's so we can learn, grow, and support one another. It's okay to rest; you don't have to constantly be on the go--if you're metaphorical cup is empty, leaving you with nothing left to give, there's nothing left for you to give. If you replenish your energy, not only will you be able to tackle your tasks easier, but they will often go faster. Give yourself permission to take it easy when you and your body need it. You don't need to keep pushing so hard to "get it done" that you break. Show yourself some kindness and compassion; you get through this sooner or later. Not everything has to be done now. It will be okay. Your well-being matters; you still have intrinsic value even if you're not being productive. You've got this, so allow yourself to rest and relax. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and wishing you the best in all of your endeavors~

Food for thought for the week:

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