Hopefully everyone is staying cool during this crazy heat (if you live anywhere like where I live). I hope everyone is having an enjoyable summer and had a wonderful 4th of July to all those that celebrate it in the U.S. It's been super busy here, running around with babysitting/activity drop off and pickup, plus pet sitting, and all the normal things. On top of that, I have a special visitor that's been in town since June 27th, which has kept me extra busy. It's been a lot of fun hanging out with said special guest and showing them around the area. They overdid it with their 4th of July celebration, though. And tomorrow I'm going to be leaving to check out their home in Australia. It's going to be busy, busy, busy with lots of air travel (the 3rd flight is like 14 hours long over the Pacific Ocean). Not sure how much I'll be around for writing since I will likely be taking in the sights, meeting their family/friends, checking out their favorite places, etc. It's exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking, too.
The boys enjoyed more of summer break, having camps and chilling at home. They enjoyed discussing Funko Pop new releases, favorite shows, cool games, theories, and more. While I was driving the autistic boy down to his activities Monday morning, he started this rant about people on this YouTube poll. Apparently, they were supposed to vote for which character would make the best counselor. Not sure how many character options were there, but he specifically mentioned Tohru and Uncle Iroh. He got on this soap box about how people needed to show Tohru more love and give her more credit because she's a very empathetic person (he was so mad that people weren't voting for her).
He went on about how even though her extended family is trash and was abusive and mean to her, she turned out so kind and that she helped so many people. Then he ranted about how more people needed to watch Fruits Basket (not sure if he specifically said guys at this point or people in general--I find it funny because I don't think he's actually watched Fruits Basket; he's talked to me about it and watched some clips, saying that Tohru's grandpa deserves Best Grandpa of the Year award for slapping the fools, but I don't think he's watched it). I told him it's probably because Fruits Basket is a Shojo anime and people (usually males) go all, "Ewww feelings and romance!" but there's a whole lot more to Fruits Basket than that (comedy, a curse with all sorts of lore, healing and picking up pieces, etc.). He said that people just need to watch Fruits Basket (and it was really hard not to laugh because of how strongly he felt on the matter--not what I expected for the start of my day lol). They had fun with their various activities and got super excited about going on their vacation. Their dogs, Pearl and Theo, have been excited to hang out with me while their family is away.
Artwork for the past two weeks included more diamond art:
This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content!
New Creativity Chronicles' articles included:
Please take care and remember to be gentle with yourself. You can only do your best at any given them. Some day will be easier while others can prove more challenging (just experienced such a day myself). It's okay to take things at your own pace and do things your own way; keep being authentically, beautifully you and everything will fall into place. You'll find the right people, places, supports, and more. You're incredible, so don't sell yourself short. We can do whatever we set our minds to, so keep moving forward step by step; you'll reach your goals before you know it. Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Food for thought for the week: