I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying November! It had been fairly warm here lately, but a major cold front moved in towards the end of the week. Hopefully, the energies have been treating you well. There's been some intensity lately, which could have been sparked by the full moon and lunar eclipse combo. If you'd like to learn more about the recent full moon and total lunar eclipse, feel free to check out the videos below!
My dream recall was a bit fuzzy when I woke up on Monday morning, but I didn't wake up exhausted, which was a plus. Pretty my dream involved attending one of Chris Luck's livestreams and that he was asking who would be attending his friend's quiz funnel boot camp (which I'm signed up for). More happened, but the details were hazy, so that's all I remembered once I woke up. It was extra tricky getting up on Tuesday morning; I felt so groggy, and it was so cold, which made it so tempting to go back to sleep. My dream recall was pretty hazy. There was something about writing, and I think I was discussing something with Corliss at one point. Specific details were elusive, though, and I couldn't remember anything else upon waking.
I really did not want to get up on Wednesday morning and was incredibly tempted to go back to sleep. My dream recall was incredibly hazy, and I couldn't remember any specific details. All I knew is that I had a strong preference to go back to sleep; I was feeling so sleepy and getting up felt like such a Herculean task. It was quite the challenge getting up Thursday morning and super tempting to just go back to sleep; I was feeling quite tired since I've been feeling awake at night. For the last several weeks (or month) especially, I've had trouble falling asleep at night, and then in the morning during the week I'm supposed to get up early to take the boys to school. It's quite intense, and I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend and Thanksgiving break, so I can sleep in.
It wasn't much easier getting up on Friday morning; I hadn't been able to fall asleep until after 1:30 am when I'm supposed to wake up at 6:30 am. It's not the most fun, but I did appreciate that I'd be able to sleep in on the weekend. My dream recall was shrouded in a thick haze, too, so I wasn't sure what occurred in the dream realm. I didn't want to get up on Saturday morning; a major cold front came in, making me just want to stay cozy in bed. I ended up being half asleep in bed for about two hours. It was nice to have a lazy morning and being able to sleep in. My dream recall was veiled in a thick haze, though, so I couldn't remember what transpired.
I didn't particularly want to get up this morning, either, as it was quite comfortable beneath the blankets. My dream recall was pretty fuzzy. There was something about meeting with people. It might have been an event. Specific details are murky, but whatever happened in the dream seemed to be important. It felt like a lot happened.
The boys were excited to discuss more Spy x Family and eagerly watched clips of some of the anime's funniest moments. They wanted to know all about it. They were also super excited to have no school on Tuesday due to it being voting day. The boys showed me the games they've been playing, shared funny videos, and discussed their upcoming Thanksgiving break plans (they're going to Disney). We also got into discussions about Disney as a company, decisions made by the executives/leaders, the impact it has on shows and movies, etc. The younger brother was excited about his Bandemonium event that was on Thursday, and it sounded like he had a lot of fun with it.
Tsuki was her normal goofy self, although she did do more sleeping this week as a drastic cold front hit. I can't say I blame her; it just makes me want to stay indoors and snuggle up with blankets (and Tsuki if she's willing). She hung out in her cat house a lot and snuggled up with blankets for a cozy snooze. Tsuki also enjoyed watching the falling leaves from the window and playing in her new cat tunnel. She had lots of fun while making time for a lot more rest.
Artwork for the week included:
I wrote a bunch more content for Creativity Chronicles this week! Feel free to check out the new art articles!
New articles included:
I was able to finish reading The Divine Design by Lorie Ladd and watched the rest of Kaguya-sama: Love is War. It was quite nice to take some down time and relax with things I enjoy; the ending of Kaguya-sama: Love is War was so sweet, too! I loved it! I also happened to predict a lot of the ending, which was cool. I'll probably be relaxing with the new Pokémon games next weekend; the boys are super excited that it's coming out at the end of next week. I'll definitely need some down time next weekend since this upcoming week is going to be extremely full between my job, working on Creativity Chronicles, and all the live trainings that are happening. Taking time to unwind after a long week will be divine!
I hope everyone takes time to relax and rest as we enter this busy holiday season! It's way too easy to put self-care on the back burner as we tackle all of these other important tasks and events. Please take care of yourself and make some time for yourself. Be gentle with yourself and treat yourself with kindness; you matter and are deserving of love. Make some time for fun, and stay blessed with love and light, everyone!
Food for thought from Ralph Smart on Infinite Waters:
Food for thought to consider: