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Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius and Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Writer's picture: JessicaJessica

I hope everyone is doing well and that life is treating you all kindly! This week was a lot calmer in terms of energy and emotions compared to last week, so hopefully things went smoothly for you, as well. For everyone in the US, I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend! The cicadas are still swarming and everywhere--their noises can get to be so deafening with the vast numbers of them, and it can get overwhelming. There's been lots of rain, which provides a bit of a reprieve from all the noise. We also had a full moon in Sagittarius, which was supposed to bring a lot of luck this week, so hopefully you experienced some of that luck. If you want to learn more about the recent full moon, feel free to check out the following videos:

Sleep was a struggle Sunday night/Monday morning; it just seemed like I couldn't fall asleep and then I woke up like an hour and a half early, unable to fall back asleep. Didn't seem like I dreamed at all, but I hadn't been asleep much in the first place. Dream recall was somewhat fuzzy when I woke up on Tuesday, but it somehow involved hanging out with the kids I typically babysit/tutor, fidget toys, and some girl that had a DIY dollhouse and dolls. Not really sure what it was about. Sleep was okayish for the rest of the work week, although dream recall was a complete haze; I would wake up unsure of what transpired in the dream realm.

Don't remember everything from my dream Friday night/Saturday morning, but I was with some group of people (maybe for a school trip or something). Had to travel through a some kind of forest/woodsy area. There were warnings about things like needing no lights to be on. Some people took it seriously. Some did not. Ended up causing conflicts and dividing the group. Other people started fighting about it. While in the middle of the forest, I got a really bad feeling. I told others we definitely needed no light, but they wouldn't listen and had all this light. I ended up finding a type of blanket and got into the darkest place I could find up off the ground and did my best to hide. Nothing had happened yet, but the feeling was so bad and ominous. They continued to bicker and argue, and one by one the other people ended up switching sides and deciding that the light wasn't so bad. I was observing it all from the blanket hideaway, being as quiet as I could, unable to shake the bad feeling. The others seemed to get on the same page, and suddenly this "man" (looked human but vibe was anything but) appeared amongst the group/right behind them without them realizing. He was wearing some kind of glasses, I think had a long, brown pony tail, and was writing in some kind of notebook. Without looking up, he remarked something about how it was so sweet that they reached a consensus but that their friend (me) had the right idea and that they really should have been paying more attention and not have walked on the shells. The shells had not been there before and seemed to be some kind of summoning thing. I have no idea what the creatures/beings were, but they were shadowy and started going after each of them, eliminating them one by one. There was nothing I could have done to help them, and they couldn't do anything either because it happened so swiftly. None of them noticed me, though, because I stayed out of the light. I think I was committed to staying hidden until the light was gone because the creature things were everywhere. Then I woke up.

Sleep was kind of wonky again Saturday night/this morning. At one point I was startled awake, but 'm not sure why. It wasn't a bad dream or a loud noise--was just jerked awake for whatever reason. Dream recall was pretty hazy, but I think I was at some place that seemed sort of like a mall. There seemed to be shops at least, and I think I was mainly wandering around in the "halls"/open spaces. I think at one point I was crossing this bridge/stair type of thing, and there were a couple of people with me. It ended up collapsing, though. I was fine as we had basically made it to the other side when it decided to give out. It was really strange, though. Someone (gave off kind of a teacher/mentor kind of vibe) was talking to me once on the other side, but I don't know about what or who they were. Everything else about the dream was way too hazy.

The boys were so excited about this week being the last week before summer break; they've been so ready for break and getting fed up with school. They weren't too keen about end of year exams, but completing them meant they were finished for the school year. Additionally, they had half days with the exams, so they were excited about that, as well. They were annoyed with the cicadas and extra studying, but they're ecstatic to be able to take it easy this weekend and relax without having to go back to school. They definitely earned a nice, long break.

Tsuki was her typical goofy and adorable self. She loved lounging on her window shelf as she enjoyed birdwatching, snoozing, and keeping an eye out for bugs (the cicadas are literally everywhere). Tsuki also enjoyed cozy cat naps on her favorite chair, snoozing in her cat house, lounging by the table on the bench seat, chilling on the back of the couch, lurking around corners for sneak attacks, and trying to spy on people without getting caught. She also found a cicada at one point and had a blast trying to play with it. Tsuki definitely makes days brighter.

Artwork for the week included more diamond art:

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content!


New Creativity Chronicles' articles included:

Life can be unpredictable, bringing unforeseen blessings and throwing unpredictable curveballs at you. Remember to breathe, take things one step at a time, be gentle with yourself, and make time for self-care. You're doing the best you can. Nobody can do it all on their own, so give yourself time to achieve your goals and tasks and ask for help if you need it. You're allowed to set boundaries, too; it doesn't make you an awful human being. You're only human; as such, you're a work-in-progress with areas for growth and areas for challenge. You're allowed to take time for yourself, to fill your own cup, and go at your own pace. You're incredible, full of talents, skills, and gifts, and the world is a better place with you in it. The journey of life can get messy; it's okay to not have all the answers yet, but that doesn't diminish your worth. So, do what you love, follow your heart and joy, and find reasons for laughter and gratitude. Take care and have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

Food for thought for the week:

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