I hope everyone is doing well and that life is treating you kindly. It's been quite cold here, so hopefully, everyone is staying warm (or if in California, cool and safe). It definitely feels like winter. I have to wonder what would happen if society was more based off the seasons rather than treating everything the same always (i.e. later start times in the winter due to the dark and cold and even earlier end times, so people to have more rest and take care of themselves better). I'm curious to see if there are any changes like that in the future rather than pushing so hard to be busy and "productive" (but productivity can look a variety of different ways, so even if someone wasn't at a traditional job, they might be plenty productive). I've been hearing plenty of people lamenting struggles with sleep, so I have to wonder if it has something to do with the recent energies; they do say people act up with the full moon and all. Anyhow, hopefully, better nights of sleep are ahead of us. If you'd like to learn more about the recent full moon in Cancer, feel free to check out the video below:
The dark cannot stand the light; it will try to swat the light away, to dim and eliminate its brightness because it wants to hide its nature and fool others. There are all sorts of people out there in the world. There are those out there that are notorious narcissists that will try to control and spin narratives for their benefit. They will fully embrace DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) and create sob stories about how the world is out to get them in order to play off of your emotions, empathy, and good nature. They will refuse to communicate, shutting you out, and incinerating bridges. They will try to play these petty, manipulative, toxic games, but you don't have to stick around for it. You don't have to listen to their lies and become ensnared by their negative energy. They might have hurt you deeply and act like you're the villain even when you've done everything you can to strive for peace, honesty, respect, kindness, support, care, and love. No matter what others do to you, you don't have to go along with it or send it back. Their lies do not define you. You know who you are. You get to choose your path. Your light will remain shining true. Haters will hate, but you don't have to participate in their negativity. Surround yourself with positive, supportive, nurturing energy instead; you don't have to give your light to anyone, especially if they don't care for or support it.
Beware of the narcissists. They can be covert. They will play petty, manipulative games, using all sorts of deceptive tactics. They engage in isolation tactics, hoping to cut you off from others, and at times engage in stalking behavior because they want to be in control. They will project their negativity onto you, painting you to be "the bad guy" and making you out to be "the problem." They will try to drag you down into the muck, hoping to make you feel horrible because misery loves company and because they're empty inside. They are insecure and full of shame as well as a lack of true confidence, integrity, accountability, kindness, honesty, respect, love, and responsibility. They hide behind a façade in hopes that no one ever sees behind the mask and witnesses their true colors. They're twisted inside, looking to fill their void with the external--other's validation/approval, status, money, fame, luxury goods, etc.--rather than tending to the internal. They seek out others to siphon off their energy to fill their personal void, leaving you to feel like something is wrong with you. Their tactics may have served them before, but more and more people are becoming aware of their methods, and soon enough, the narcissists' tactics won't work on anyone else. Their days of succeeding with their toxic ways are numbered.
Don't get me wrong; I still very much believe that anyone and everyone can learn, grow, change, and improve. The thing is: the individual has to choose to do so and willingly put in the effort. I wish others well, but the energy you put out into the world comes back to you; you reap what you sew. If narcissists persist in their ways, they're in for a rough ride and rude awakening. They will have dug the whole they find themselves in, though; there likely would have been plenty of people that would have willingly helped them, but many people likely will left out of necessity of their personal well-being. When the narcissist has no one left to help them, it's sadly a fate of their own creation. Hopefully, they wake up and change before it reaches that point, but they're the ones that are the author of their life's story. It's up to them to choose and act accordingly.
It was back to the "normal grind" for the boys this week; they seemed fairly disappointed by the fact that they had a full week of school (likely because they basically had 3 weeks off with the winter break and snow day combo). They also weren't so keen on the cold and getting up early (not that I blamed them). The boys seem annoyed with some of their teachers, but they also have a couple that they say are some of their favorites, so at least they have something to look forward to as they still have basically the whole 2nd semester left. Hopefully, the long holiday weekend gives them the energy they need to tackle the next week.
Tsuki had a pretty chill week, full of rest and relaxation. She got cozy by the fire, snuggled up on my lap, enjoyed birdwatching from her window shelf, and lounging on the bed. Tsuki also enjoyed plenty of cozy cat naps on the couch, her favorite chair, my lap, by the fire, and any other comfy spot she could find. She wasn't thrilled about my brother and his wife staying here while they were in town, but she preferred them way more than my other brother and his massive dog. Good news for her, though, was that they were just staying for the holiday weekend, so soon things will be back to normal.
Artwork for the week included more diamond art:

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content! Also feel free to check out our Thought Spot section that explores various topics of thought and conversation!
New Creativity Chronicles' content included:
Please take care of yourself and make time for self-care. It's important to complete to-do lists, achieve goals, be productive, etc. but you can accomplish more and complete them better if you fill your own cup first. If your cup is empty, you have nothing to give. If you need more rest and relaxation, take it. If you need to go at a slower pace, give yourself permission to do so. No good will come from constantly shaming and guilting yourself; to do better, it's better for you to inspire and motivate yourself rather than bashing yourself about how poorly you're doing. Use reflection to gauge where you're at, if you're satisfied, where you'd like to head, etc., but do your best to focus on things in a positive light. Heading down that negative spiral won't do you any good. It can leave you feeling hopeless. You can choose any moment to be your starting point, so remember to breathe, go at your own pace, rest when necessary, and do the best that you can. Not every day will look the same; some days your best will just be managing to get yourself out of bed, get some food and water, and taking a shower. That's okay. Energy levels fluctuate; life is full of ebb and flow. Be gentle with yourself and choose to move forward, no matter how small your steps. You're a wonderful person, and the world benefits from your unique light. Wishing you all the best!
Food for thought for the week: