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Writer's pictureJessica

Happy April and Happy Easter!

It seems a bit surreal that we're in April now--how time is flying. I hope everyone is doing well! Happy birthday to my dad (his birthday is the 2nd)! For those who celebrate Easter, I hope you enjoy the holiday! We had a small family gathering this year, and it was so nice to see everyone again! It's been a while since people have had different opinions on the safety of gatherings of varying sizes. No qualms against safety, but sometimes there's too much precaution to the point where people don't truly live; they end up merely existing rather than making the most of the moment and the gift of life. It feels like in many ways we're experiencing a rebirth and resurrection. Is it just me or does the energy seem to be potent for this month? It feels like big things lie in store for us. It's rather exciting!

I know that things have been strange for the past year, and it can leave us feeling left in a funk. This is all so new; we can end up at a loss for what to do. We can stumble and fumble with even where to step next. I think that's part of the human experience, though; it's about the journey and the learning not just the goal or destination. We can get a bit caught up in the mental realm (I know I have before lol), and that usually ends up with us getting in our own way. The thing is: life is about the ebb and flow, the lows and highs. We wouldn't truly understand and appreciate the joy and love if we didn't experience the opposite, the lack of it. I believe the Tao grasped the concept perfectly with yin and yang, seeking balance. We're learning and growing so much right now. It's okay to receive support from others, though; we don't have to go at it all alone. Others have undergone similar experiences. It's okay to ask for help or consider insight from others. Amanda Ellis created a recent video that you might find helpful if you're going through a funk right now:

Fluffy cat adored the beautiful weather this week! She's had a ball with her outdoor adventures, and for whatever reason, she's been keen on chilling in the mulch of the front garden by the birdbath. Why? Beats me. She's such a goof! She's an adorable goof, though, and extremely lovable!

Here are the Perler bead projects for the week! I worked on some gifts for the many Aries in my life; I hope they enjoy them!

I had some more goodies arrive this week! My new Heavenly Bodies Astrology deck arrived, which I was super excited about! The new monthly box from Goddess Provisions also arrived with lots of neat goodies. My mom even gave me a new Fruits Basket sleep shirt (it's tie dye, yay~). The universe is abundant with incredible things~

I was minding my business when one of Corliss's friends' post popped up about the different signs as Pokemon. I first noticed that Corliss was Bulbasaur, which was quickly followed by noticing that I was Squirtle. I couldn't help but notice that they were 2 for 2 with our signs matching with which of the original starters we said we were years ago, which had me remarking to myself, "If they have April as Charmander...." Guess which Pokemon is April's sign? Freaking Charmander. Lol okay, universe; nice sense of humor! Corliss and I chuckled about it. It's not like all the signs were starters, either. They were Pokemon like Snorlax or Doduo. What are the odds?