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Writer's pictureJessica

Back To School and Happy Blue Super Moon

I hope everyone is doing well, but if you've been struggling, know you're not alone and try to be gentle with yourself. You're doing the best you can; the human experience is complicated, tricky, challenging, and messy. Somedays just feel like the absolute worst and like all you want to do is cry. It's okay. All we can ever do at any given point is our current best; our best won't look the same every day. My best hasn't been what I'd hoped this week; I still show up and do the best I can, but it's been a hard week. Continued sleep struggles, family creating drama/negativity, dealing with physical pain and digestive issues, emotions feeling out of whack, confusion, being surprised by things that come up that you didn't see coming, etc. It's been intense and so very challenging. Maybe it's influenced by the recent energies and astrology. I honestly don't know, but it's put me through the ringer. I've cried a lot this week, but know that it's okay to feel how you feel as well as cry. Emotions aren't bad; choices/behaviors/actions can be a different story, but you're allowed to feel--it's healthy. Don't criticize and judge yourself for being human and feeling how you feel. It's okay; you're allowed to feel and be human. And if you want to learn more about the recent blue super moon in Aquarius, feel free to check out the following videos:

The boys went back to school this week, and they were both excited for the new year and also a bit reluctant to say goodbye to summer break. They seemed to enjoy their new classes, but getting back into the groove with school seemed a bit challenging for them. They were getting frustrated with some things and seemed to be rather tired by all the new tasks in their schedules (especially the younger brother, balancing the school day, homework, swim, band, and self-care). I hope things get easier as the school year progresses and the routine sets in.

Tsuki enjoyed a really chill week, full of rest and relaxation. It was such a mood this past week; not sure if it's due to sleep struggles, energies, or what, but man, was it tempting to try to just sleep the week away (even though it wasn't possible to do so).Tsuki savored her cozy cat naps, recharging her batteries to be ready for wild antics and shenanigans. She had a blast playing with her toys once she was all rested up (and she even destroyed one of them). This goofy kitty definitely keeps things interesting.

Artwork for the week included continuing the jumbo diamond art design of Tsuki my boyfriend got me (it takes up like the whole kitchen table):

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content!


New Creativity Chronicles' content included:

As you make your way on this human journey, remember to breathe, take your time, and be gentle with yourself. Nobody has all the answers. No matter what plans you make, things can go awry--you can't plan for everything, no matter how much you might want to (not that it's bad to be prepared; just be mindful and flexible as things come up). Remember, it's okay to feel. We all feel frustrated, sad, scared, uncertain, stressed, overwhelmed, angry, and anxious at times. There's nothing wrong with you if you feel that way. Give yourself room to breathe, relax, have fun, learn, and grow. You'll figure things out as you make your way. Sometimes things will hurt. Sometimes you might get blindsided. Sometimes life gets so challenging and overwhelming that things look bleak and all you want to do is cry. Give yourself time, space, and permission to feel how you feel. Let it process and flow out of the body. Then figure out your next steps. It may not look like you initially hoped, but you can figure things out, and remember you can get help and support, too--you don't have to do it all alone. You've overcome all of your past hardships; it might take time, but you can overcome these new ones, too. Don't give up hope. Give it your best shot and all you've got. Even if it doesn't work out the way you hoped, at least you will have learned and grown and you wouldn't regret not trying. Regret is a heavy weight you don't have to feel; you can choose to keep moving forward, no matter how slowly your progress may be. Your timing is your own, and that's okay. Just do your best, and you'll be just fine. What's meant for you will always find you, even if it feels a bit hopeless at times. You've got this! Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Food for thought for the week:

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